Palestine Cultural Awards is a collection of prizes in the field of culture, literature and studies. The aims of these awards are to preserve Palestine present in the human conscience, to raise awareness of the Palestinian cause, to highlight the artistic and literary status of creative Palestinians whom the awards carried their names, to encourage creativity and stimulate Arab creative, and to contribute to spreading a culture of steadfastness, resistance, liberation and return to Palestine.
The participants’ age should not be more than 40 years old except for Edward Said Award.
One winner will be selected for each Award or the Award will be shared equally among two winners. Each Award will be a total of US$5,000 (Five thousands US Dollar), in addition, certificate of appreciation will be granted for each winner.
The winners will be announced and the Awards will be granted at a special ceremony under the title “Cultural Day for Palestine” on July 1st , 2020. PII will host each winner for two days with a round trip ticket from his country, noting that PII will not cover the price of the ticket if the winner lives outside his/her country and therefore, he/she has to buy his/her ticket.